Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Depressed? - Marrakesh Express - Crosby, Stills & Nash

How could this foot tapping wonder tune fail to cheer you up if you were feeling a bit down and under the weather! Yup, Marrakesh Express by Crosby, Stills and Nash (no Young!) is an uber-classic guaranteed to cheer anyone up if they've got a touch of the Owen Wilsons. Get well soon Owen!

Now a common mistake might be to rush out and get the "best of" based on this recommendation but just be warned that for every artificial high, there's a low lurking round the corner. A prime example is the haunting "
Helplessly Hoping".

It's a bit of a roller coaster for the heart that even the hardest souls won't be able to listen to it without thinking of some missed love in primary school. So Owen, be warned and get a good friend to just download Marrakesh Express from itunes or some dodgy russian site and not the whole album, even if the ruskies are offering it for 10 cents!

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