Italian Football on Channel 5
I've decided that seen as the Premiership's over for this year (and it's only the 27th August!) that i'm going to give the Italian football a right good go this season. What with the return of "the old lady" from serie B and the old favourite Napoli I think it's a good time to put last year's fiasco behind us and have a good old watch of Italy's finest.
So I sat down on Sunday to watch the Inter game. Now I was prepared for channel 5 coverage but it wasn't till I settled down to the dull nasal speech impediment of Mark Chapman that my bubble kind of burst a bit. OK, so they've drafted in some Italian eye candy in the form of Laura Esposto but as nice as she is, it just makes Mark look uglier and sound more like the man with the perma-cold!
For Italian football you just couldn't beat James Richardson sitting in some Piazza with an espresso and that smug "I've got the best job in the world" look on his face. Once you overcame the smugness he was actually a pretty nice guy and you always respected his ability to read La Gazzetta dello Sport and let us know what was happening in prole speak.
I'll carry on with watching channel 5's coverage (don't get me started on John Barnes commentary) but they might as well have drafted in the prick who killed John Lennon because anything would be better than this shite!
Oh yeh, someone should also tell them that the wall would probably be a nice place to put the map of Italy rather than the bloody floor!!
Was a big fan of Italian Footie when it was on Channel 4 and loved the pre match bit where you actually got an idea of what the Town/City was like (Wouldn't work in Derby though would it !). Weird game today but quite interesting but what terrible presentation .. and who is that Italian (or Russian with an Italian accent) woman who can't even read teh autocue !!
Bring back James
Rooting for Napoli this year, lived there previously, amazing city.
Channel 5 presentation pitiful compared to what channel 4 managed..granted 5probably have a much lower budget in general, but still. Cuidicini and Esposto were good looking though ;O)
Also will miss the pre-match bit where they introduce the city and club history etc
commentary = appalling
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