Monday, March 12, 2007 Live @ Blackfriars - Review

Well, what can I say? Many had waited a long time to see this and I doubt that any were disappointed!

"Limmy's World of Glasgow" came to er... Glasgow last night. It was a slightly nervous atmosphere as everyone piled into the downstairs bar in Blackfriars, I think it's been about ten years since i've been down there as well. But there was no need for nerves. As Limmy stepped up to the plate he was given a pretty warm welcome. After all, he wasn't playing to any old people just pulled off the street. He was playing to his band of devotees, the crowd who had one thing in common... him!

For anyone who has no idea who i'm talking about, Limmy is a flash/web developer turned film maker/commedian. Many people's first introduction to Limmy would probably have been the rather offensive xylophone (see here for a demo) that he put together some years ago. It pretty much sums up the guy's approach; creative, different... bamn!

His videos such as "Requiem" and "Yes or No" have become the stuff of legend but it was really when Limmy and his girlfriend Lynn went on a round the world tour that everyone got to know him a bit better through his blog. When they got home, Limmy then decided to create his own podcast called "Limmy's World of Glasgow" and since then it's been t.v., newspapers, itunes rankings up there with Gervais and now a stand up show!

Anyway, I won't go into too much detail as I know there's another show on the 24th March (which is sold out but keep an eye on his blog for tickets) but the show is a mixture of some new movies, some new stuff from his world of glasgow characters and some new one man plays. Everything was spot on and the hour long show went far too quick. I've also left out the detail because it's that kind of humour that leaves you looking like a dick if you try and explain it to someone else (as i've found out already this morning...).

There's no doubt that Limmy's going places and that's a great thing. His characters might be dismissed by a silly few as Glasgow stereotypes but if you listen to them they're light years beyond Rab C Nesbitt, Pavillion Panto style comedy that in the past were the sum total of Scotland's TV and Radio offering.

Having watched the gig last night, you can quite easily see a show format for channel 4 or BBC3. It's only a matter of time, so you best see him on the small stage while you still can!


Anonymous said...

He's my wee brother and he's a fucking plagerist wee bastard.Not just me but countless others who have all been barred from his blog because they want to know why he's creaming off their patter.He's gonny get found out soon

chris rudolph-xander said...

RIP Benny Harvey, you'll be missed big guy